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2 IN 1 The Sophia Full spectrum Healing Disc containing the Aquamarine & High Heart activating Original Sophia Gels!

Now to experience the Original Pink shine the light through the Disc with Pink side recieving the Light and with the Blue side facing the Body then... (Breathe…In and Out, let the energy move through the Field as you experience a Heart Hug)…


Simply Flip the Disc And Experience the Aquamarine Sophia (Breathe… in and Out, you should feel the energy shift within the field, some may feel a cooler sensation.) The Aquamarine SoPhia activates the Wing Chakra which is located in the Back~ the back side of the High Heart Chakra. Closing your eyes as your Client breathes you can Ask to see their wings~ This could be a very powerful Message from Spirit, the soul knows what is needed for healing. so just be open the receive and allow data sets to enter your awareness. You can do the same if working with this disc on yourself.

This Disc has been blowing the minds of my Clients at Shows and here at home!

It is fairly New and we would like to Hear your Experiences while using this Stunning Healing Tool!


***Honorable Mention***There are some lovely ladies in Canada that have been testing the effects of the Sophia Discs with a Rife Machine, before and after using the disc and wearing them. They Believe that the Sophia discs are protection against Virus/Vax Shedding. Thank You Donna for your support and work you are doing for Humanity with these Tools. You are Appreciated!

Double Sided SoPhia Full Spectrum Healing Disc

$111.11 Regular Price
$100.00Sale Price
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